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The sub and sub with carry instructions perform the subtractions as shown in the table below. All flags are updated accordingly.

sub acc, reg801 000 rrraccaccreg8\mathit{acc} \gets \mathit{acc} - \mathit{reg8}3/41/52
sbc acc, reg801 001 rrraccaccreg8CF\mathit{acc} \gets \mathit{acc} - \mathit{reg8} - \mathit{CF}3/41/52
sub acc, imm800 000 011 imm8accaccimm8\mathit{acc} \gets \mathit{acc} - \mathit{imm8}3
sbc acc, imm800 001 011 imm8accaccimm8CF\mathit{acc} \gets \mathit{acc} - \mathit{imm8} - \mathit{CF}3
sub ab, reg1611 10 00 wwababreg16\mathit{ab} \gets \mathit{ab} - \mathit{reg16}7
  1. 4 cycles for unprefixed sub acc, [pi]/sbc acc, [pi]
  2. 5 cycles for sub acc, [pi]/sbc acc, [pi] with prefix_a16 (the sequence prefix_a16; sub acc, [pi] takes 6 cycles)