Wikipedia List of most 74xx chips.
If the datasheet link does not go to a PDF directly, the chances that the part is no longer available is quite high.
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John Wakerly. Digital Design Principles and Practice, 4th edition, 2006.
Chapter 3 is an excellent and relevant introduction to digital circuits.
There is an appendix with a review on electrical circuits basics.
Horowitz and Hill. The Art of Electronics, 3rd Edition.
Comprehensive text book and reference on electronics in general.
Also has a chapter on digital logic and TTL chips (Chapter 10).
Albert Malvino. Digital Computer Electronics, 3rd edition. The text book that Ben Eater used for his build.
The video series is very detailed and goes in-depth on many aspects.
Particularly helpful and interesting is the video on power distribution and the clock.
rolf-electronics. Has extensive documentation that covers electronics problems.
YACC1 has a cool way of modularizing the components onto PCBs and connecting them with a bus.
nqsap by Tom Nisbet features extensive documentation, many valuable tips, and helpful links to other resources.
The fabulous Gigatron focuses on few chips and has a primitive ISA. It is programmed by a higher-level assembler whose programs run on interpreter. Has a cool ALU design. Features a small VGA graphics card.
EEVblog has excellent tutorials on electronics, especially fundamentals videos on DC and AC. One particular video covers rise and fall times of TTL signals.